INTEL Partners WWF for Wetland Reforestation: Restoring Wildlife Habitats and Ensuring Local Livelihoods

Posted on September, 15 2016

15th September 2016, Long An Province – Intel Products Vietnam Co., Ltd., and WWF-Vietnam launch their joint effort in restoring habitats in Lang Sen Wetland Reserve, with the first phase’s reforestation taken place on 14th September. Another event scheduled for 17th September, will engage 400 volunteers to support the project’s goal of planting more than 12,000 native wetland trees in the Reserve by the end of 2016.
15th September 2016, Long An Province – Intel Products Vietnam Co., Ltd., and WWF-Vietnam launch their joint effort in restoring habitats in Lang Sen Wetland Reserve, with the first phase’s reforestation taken place on 14th September. Another event scheduled for 17th September, will engage 400 volunteers to support the project’s goal of planting more than 12,000 native wetland trees in the Reserve by the end of 2016.

Officially established in 2004, Lang Sen Wetland Reserve is among the few natural remnants of the Plain of Reeds (Đồng Tháp Mười), and home to almost 300 species including plants and animals. It provides natural resources and services, such as fresh water and fisheries, to 9,000 people in the surrounding areas.

Recent rapid changes in climatic factors like temperature and rainfalls, as well as the hydrological regimes of the Mekong River, have led to serious degradation in the area’s forests, putting further pressure on the ecosystem that provides a critical source for the local community’s incomes.

In overcoming this emerging challenge, WWF partners with Intel Vietnam in a project to restore the degraded forests, providing habitat for wildlife and ensuring livelihoods for the local community members, whose lives depend on the area’s ecosystem.

The partnership also aims to support combating water scarcity issues in the Mekong Delta, thanks to the forest’s ecological functions of storing floodwater during the rainy season and releasing freshwater into surrounding communities and recharging ground water in dry season.

As the first phase of reforestation rolls out, WWF and Intel engage 400 volunteers, including employees from Intel and TRG International, on 14th and 17th September 2016, to support the project’s goal of replenishing the area with more than 12,000 native wetland trees by the end of 2016. During another activity, the volunteers also engaged with local students in Tan Hung Commune, Long An, to raise awareness and encourage the practice of reusing plastic bottles to help protect the environment.

“The Plain of Reeds, including the area of Lang Sen Wetland, not only has a crucial environmental role in the Mekong Delta’s wildlife, but also provide the fundamental ecosystem services for the life of local communities”, said Ms. Trinh Thi Long – Fresh Water Practice Co-ordinator, WWF-Vietnam. “Restoring the wetland habitats in Lang Sen goes beyond the conservation of this area’s wildlife, and provides the local people with better livelihoods opportunities.”

Currently only 1% of natural wetlands in the Plain remain intact. The resulting degraded ecosystem integrity undermines the area's ability to continue to provide resources for local communities and withstand climate change impacts. To counteract this trend, WWF has been delivering a comprehensive ecosystem-based climate change adaptation program for the Plain of Reeds since 2007.

WWF started working in Lang Sen in 2010 to improve water management, conserve biodiversity and establish a monitoring system for the recovery of natural habitat. As the reforested area within the WWF – Intel partnership significantly contributes to WWF’s strategic plan; it sets a strong foundation for developing further conservation works in Lang Sen Wetland Reserve in the ever-changing context of climate change.

“This is a great opportunity for Intel and its employees to engage in a meaningful project with WWF, directly contributing to both improving the long-term livelihoods for local communities, and raising awareness among its employees on the importance of ecological preservations, and the negative impacts of climate change at community level” said Ms. Ho Uyen – Public Affairs Director, Intel Products Vietnam. “In the time to come, Intel will continue to encourage and engage its employees to hold true to this endeavour for ever more resilient communities around us.”
Volunteer planting trees at Lang Sen Wetland Reserve
© Nguyen Thi Ngoc Linh / Intel