WWF - Viet Nam: Request for Proposal - Consultancy service for IKI Sand Mining Project
Posted on March, 17 2021
Tender Ref 41.21 - Consultancy service involving i. An assessment of stocks and extraction/production potentials of alternative sources of sand and alternatives to sand (Lot 1) and ii. A multi-criteria assessment of these alternatives to river sand sources from a macro-economic perspective (Lot 2)
WWF Viet Nam is looking for a service provider (consultant or team of consultants) to conduct an assessment of:
- Stocks and extraction/production potentials of non-fluvial alternative stocks of sand and sustainable alternative aggregates (suitable for land filling and construction purposes)
- The costs and benefits (cost-benefit analysis, CBA) of those alternative aggregates compared to currently deployed river sand sources from a micro-and macro-economic perspective
Supervised by: IKI SMP Project Director, WWF Viet Nam
Work location: Home-based and travels in the Mekong Delta under Lot 1.
Duration: Lot 1: 3rd May 2021 – 30th July 2021.
Lot 2: 10th July 2021 – 15th September 2021.
Detailed Terms of Reference of the Assignment is attached.
The interested bidder shall submit the bidding dossier in single stage inclusive of the following essential documents:
- Sign the technical proposal submission form (paragraph 14 of this ToR).
- A brief description of why the service provider considers the consultant/team/organization as the most suitable for the assignment. Description needs to include the Capacity profile (CVs) of all experts to be involved in the contract as well as references of including the relevant projects/works/studies that have been carried out by the consultant team / organization.
- In the case of a Consultancy firm, organization or institute, a profile of the entity/ies and their goal, mission and mandate shall also be shared along with the Certificate of the State Register of Legal Entities.
- Bidders are free to associate themselves with other firms or experts to ensure that all required know-how and experience are available to them. In this case, a signed MoU/JV of cooperation between all of the involved vendors with the indication and agreement of the lead applicant is required.
- A technical proposal with the (i) detailed methodology with clear deliverables and how the assignment will be completed, (ii) the justification and risks/mitigation plan. International consultants are also to indicate the plan on how they will ensure effective participation in light of Covid19 travel restrictions.
- A financial proposal (expressed in USD) inclusive of all charges and taxes, supported by a breakdown of costs per key activity.
A soft copy in PDF of the application should be sent to procurement@wwf.org.vn. Application e-mail must have the subject heading indicating IKI SMP Alternatives to sand analysis - (please specify Lot 1, 2 or both).
Deadline for submission of bids is April 22nd, 2021 - 17.00 hrs ICT.
Questions for clarifications can be submitted until April 5th - 17.00 hrs ICT.
Only selected candidate(s) will be contacted about the outcome of their tender.
The bids submitted after the deadline prescribed will not be considered.
The bid dossiers which are incomplete of the above mentioned documents (Paragraph 8) will not be considered.