Extension of Submission Deadline - Request for Proposal for Consultancy Services on Commercial Wildlife Farms Socio – Economics Assessment

Posted on June, 21 2021

Project: Addressing IWT in Viet Nam - Tender Ref. 60.21 “Assessing the socio-economics of commercial wildlife farms breeding wild mammals associated with high risk for infectious disease emergence and zoonotic disease transmission in Vietnam”
WWF-Vietnam would like to announce the extension of submission deadline for Tender Ref: 60.21 “Assessing the socio-economics of commercial wildlife farms breeding wild mammals associated with high risk for infectious disease emergence and zoonotic disease transmission in Vietnam”, as following details:

Original Deadline for submission: 17:00 PM, 20 June 2021 (ICT).
Extended Deadline for submission: 17:00 PM, 30 June 2021 (ICT).

Other requirements and contents set forth in the published TOR and RFP remain unchanged.

Interested Consultants can also find more information on the advertisement of Tender Ref 60.21  at  WWF Viet Nam: Request for Proposal for Consultancy Services on Commercial Wildlife Farms Socio – Economics Assessment | WWF (panda.org)      
Please send the electronic proposal to WWF-Viet Nam’s designated mailbox at procurement@wwf.org.vn. Your e-mail must have the subject heading as “Ref 60.21- [name of company/consultant] – Proposal Submission”.
The maximum size per email that WWF-Viet Nam can receive is 25MB.
The Deadline for Proposals submission is: 17:00 PM, 30 June 2021
Late submission of proposals shall not be considered. Only selected candidate(s) will be contacted about the outcome of their tender.