WWF-Greater Mekong - Request for Proposals - Consultant for mapping knowledge and gaps in data, transparency, and capacity building practices in the Mekong region

Posted on July, 09 2021

Tender ref. 03.22
Scope of work: Consultant for mapping knowledge and gaps in data, transparency, and capacity building practices in the Mekong region
Place of work: Desk research, and online interviews
Start Date: As soon as possible
Finish Date: September 2021
Deliverables: A report of 25 pages max corroborated with summaries of key informant interviews and a virtual workshop for disseminating findings and collecting feedback from potential partners and key informants.

Qualification required for the consultant:
  • International experience in working with/in more than one of the Greater Mekong subregion countries
  • Good knowledge and experience in capacity building programmes concerning research, data collection, data analysis, data accessibility, and transparency
  • Previously experience on similar assignments
  • Good knowledge of biodiversity and conservation projects
  • High sense of responsibility and commitment
  • Able to complete the task according to the deadline
  • Fluent spoken and written English
Please send the electronic proposal to stefano.zenobi@wwf.org.mm. Your e-mail must have the subject heading as “Ref 03.22 - [name of company/consultant] – Proposal Submission”
The maximum size per email that WWF-Viet Nam can receive is 25MB.
Deadline for Proposals submission is: 23rd July, 2021 17:00  (ICT)