WWF-VIET NAM: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Scoping and Situation analysis of the current marine conservation and protection, identifying strategies for Viet Nam
Posted on June, 26 2023
Tender Ref. FY23-1739
WWF-Viet Nam would like to request proposals from eligible organizations, individual consultants, groups of individual consultants (hereinafter called Consultants) who are interested in scoping and situation analysis of the current marine conservation and protection, identifying strategies for Viet Nam to help achieve the 30x30 Global TargetDetails of the ToR and instructions are in the Request for Proposals attached.
How to apply:
Interested consultants submit proposals to the WWF-Viet Nam via email to: binh.vuongtrong@wwf.org.vn, and copy to: anh.hoangbao@wwf.org.vn, with the title "FY23-1739 –[name of consultant]- HSDX- Scoping and situation analysis of the current marine conservation and protection”.
Interested Consultants can use attached forms in Request for Proposals for references to structure your Proposal.
Only the shortlists will be contacted. The deadline for receiving applications is 23:59 of July 9th 2023.