WWF-VIET NAM: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS "Baseline study and development of the mechanism to apply PFES in the mangrove forest areas of Ca Mau Province"

Posted on September, 26 2023

Tender Ref.: FY24-0365; 2nd advertisement
WWF-Viet Nam would like to request proposals from eligible Firm, Institution, NGO or Consulting Group (hereinafter called Consultants) who are interested in developing Baseline study and development of the mechanism to apply Payment for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) in the mangrove forest areas of Ca Mau Province.

Details of the ToR and instructions are in the Request for Proposals attached.

Interested consultants submit proposals to the WWF-Viet Nam via email to: khanh.hoangtrong@wwf.org.vn, and copy to: anh.hoangbao@wwf.org.vn, with the title "FY24-0365 –[name of consultant]- HSDX- Baseline study and development of the mechanism to apply Payment for Forest Environmental Services (PFES)”.
Interested Consultants can use attached forms in Request for Proposals for references to structure your Proposal.
Only the shortlists will be contacted. The deadline for receiving applications is 17:00 of October 2nd, 2023.