WWF-Germany: Request for Proposals - Consultancy service for conducting external final evaluation of a grant-funded project on sustainable sand management in Vietnam

Posted on November, 08 2023

Project Name: Drifting Sand – Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change in the Mekong Delta through Private and Public Sector Engagement in the Sand Industry
Towards the end of the Project, WWF-Germany is looking for a consultant or team of consultants to conduct a final evaluation of the project’s full scope of activities from the project start up to present, to take stock of achievements and goal attainment, identify potential gaps or shortcomings in the eyes of its key stakeholders, and to understand the potential for improvement for a continuation of the work that is currently in preparation. 

Please see the attached Terms of Reference file for detailed information and requirements.

Any interested bidder is requested to submit: 
  • A technical offer containing a description of the proposed methodology and timeline, along with CVs of all experts to be involved and at least three relevant references. 
  • A financial offer detailing i) the daily rates of all experts proposed and the number of days per expert as well as ii) an estimate of travel costs based on the proposed travel schedule. 
by email to Ms. Marianne Henkel (Marianne.henkel@wwf.de) by 6 Dec, 18:00 hrs CET. 

Travel costs will be reimbursed by the Contracting Authority based on actual spending. The consultant(s) 
will need to cover any expenditure for their own equipment (laptops, recorders) needed for the 