Value of the goods and
services in total
The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
Nature not only sustains
us, it also powers
industry and commerce
us, it also powers
industry and commerce
Every year, nature provides a great value of goods & services to the global economy. Yet this 'natural capital' is at the brink.
WWF's 2020 Living Planet Report shows that our planet's wildlife populations have plummeted by 68% since 1970 – and there are no
signs that this downward trend is slowing.
$235 billion/year
Value from bees and other pollinators to food production
$2.5 trillion/year
Value from the oceans
such as seafood
such as seafood
$600 billion/year
Value from ecotourism in
protected areas
protected areas
Source: WWF Living Planet Report, 2018