The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
The Viet Nam Climate Action Alliance (VCCA) is geared towards a low carbon economy for the safe, sustainable development and prosperity of Viet Nam.
Connecting resources and promoting cooperation among stakeholders to accelerate the application of green, safe, and sustainable solutions at a reasonable and effective cost to the Vietnamese people

Viet Nam Climate Action Alliance (VCCA) is a multi-stakeholder network of businesses, non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, financial providers, consumer communities, and research institutions working in the field of sustainable energy, green development, and climate change adaptation in Viet Nam.
The Alliance is committed to taking concrete actions to engage the government, existing networks, and alliances in joint efforts in responding to climate change and equitable energy transition in Viet Nam and Global.

Date: Thursday, 8 July @15:00-16:30 (GMT+9)
Format: Zoom webinar
Organized by Alliance for Climate Action
Co-organized by Better Futures Australia, Japan Climate Initiative, and Viet Nam Coalition for Climate Action
We are entering the decisive decade of delivery in our race to zero. Our ability to succeed hinges on adopting a whole-of-society approach, with subnational and non-state actors leading by example and working with national governments to create enabling conditions to move faster together. The global Alliances for Climate Action involves three initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region, the Japan Climate Initiative, the Viet Nam Coalition for Climate Action, and the up and coming Better Futures Australia alliance.
Panel members include subnational government, business, and civil society representatives, who will discuss the important role of collaboration, both within and across sectors, to accelerate the race to zero emissions.
The Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change in collaboration with the International Organisation for Conservation of Nature in Viet Nam (WWF-Viet Nam) co-organized the Workshop "Contribution to the implementation of Green Growth Strategy and NDC to promote the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, period 2021 - 2030".
The objective of the workshop to discuss the roles and contributions of the parties when participating in activities to respond to climate change, green growth, and mitigation of greenhouse gas emission in the period 2021 - 2030.
Time: From 14:00 to 17:00, Thursday, June 24, 2021.
Format: Online
Language: Vietnamese.
To prepare for the event, please register to attend before 22nd June 2021 to Ms. Vu Minh Tam, Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology, and Climate Change, phone: (024) 37756613, mobile: 0985138222, email:, or with the link below.
In order to raise awareness and mobilize participation from the broader public, in particular, to increase the visibility of VCCA’s support for a successful and inclusive implementation of the Paris Agreement in Vietnam and to mobilize young people to become a prominent part of the discourse.
We organized an online mini-game event to create a playground for young people to learn about climate change.
Follow Fanpage to learn more information about mini-games

For more information and join the coalition, please contact us at:
Mr. Vu Quoc Anh
Project Manager cum VCCA/CCWG Coordinator-Energy and Climate Change Department
No. 6, lane 18 Nguyen Co Thach, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi