The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...

The Carbon and Biodiversity Project phase II (CarBi II) is implemented over a 5-year period (2019 – 2024) by WWF in Viet Nam and Laos through KfW, and part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). This is one of the priority conservation programmes in the Central Annamites Landscape (CAL), which holds one of the biggest contiguous natural forests in continental Asia, constituting a reservoir of rich and unique biodiversity. The landscape as a whole contains 134 mammal and more than 500 bird species, and provides ecosystem services which are fundamental to the socio-economic well-being of its inhabitants.
Although the Central Annamites and specifically the CarBi II landscape are characterized by high biodiversity, it is also under high anthropogenic pressures, predominantly due to large scale legal and illegal forest conversion, logging and poaching which have reduced the population sizes of the region's most important threatened and endemic taxa.
CarBi II is set to contribute to the protection, restoration, and sustainable use of ecosystems and the conservation of biological diversity in the CAL.
Effectively expand the protected area network, continue to grow the value offering of the Viet Nam Forest Guards, conduct cutting edge biodiversity monitoring and data management systems, scaling up of conservation best practice lessons learnt, and policy transformation.
Enhance capacity of local stakeholders to implement national policies and international regulations on illegal wildlife and timber trade; support multi-agency law enforcement interventions; promote transboundary cooperation to reduce illegal wildlife trade; conduct demand reduction and consumer behaviour change interventions to disrupt the bush meat supply chain.
Increase effective community engagement in sustainable natural resource management and protection through the establishment and capitalisation of Village Development Funds and Biodiversity Conservation Agreements in priority villages; bolstered through a fit for purpose livelihoods enhancement strategy and implementation support, a robust community awareness raising and behaviour change approach, as well as the strengthening of Volunteer Community Groups.
Develop sustainable financing mechanisms and promote lessons learnt to key decision makers, with specific focus on the development and piloting of a Biodiversity Offsetting regime, and enhancing the Payment for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) and benefit sharing system in Viet Nam, and the piloting of a Payment for Forest Environmental Services scheme in Xesap NPA.
Collaborating with the authorities and communities of more than 30 villages in: Dong Giang and Tay Giang (Quang Nam) and in A Luoi and Nam Dong (Thua Thien Hue)
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
- Provincial Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development
- Forest Protection Departments
- Saola Nature Reserves
- Bach Ma National Park
Thousands of people in the Central Annamites will join the CarBi II project which will contribute ...