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Solar and Energy Efficiency Office Initiative
What is WWF-Upfront?

WWF-UPFRONT is a Solar and Energy Efficiency Office Initiative, aiming to bring solar electricity systems to WWF offices across the globe in combination with an energy efficient training for WWF staff. The solar power installation is part of WWF-UPFRONT and provides solar electricity systems to almost 40 WWF offices across the globe, and more offices are joining this initiative!

Why Solar Energy?

Viet Nam has an abundance of solar resources, with particularly good potential for solar power in central and southern regions. Rooftop solar PV generates clean, safe, and reliable electricity with the price of systems rapidly reducing in recent years.

Using solar power is proof of WWF’s commitment to sustainability, as it will reduce reliance on the electricity network fueled by coal power. In turn, this will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which cause air pollution and global warming. This is particularly important because Viet Nam is one of the world's most vulnerable countries to climate change (ranked 6 of 180 countries in 2017). ​

By installing solar and adopting more energy-efficient practices, homes and businesses can play a role in driving more sustainable, low-carbon development across Viet Nam—saving energy and money while helping to save the environment. 

Hanoi Office goes solar

WWF-Viet Nam recently installed an 8.19 kilowatt (kW) solar power system on the roof of its Hanoi headquarters, joining WWF’s pioneering global initiative switching its offices to solar power and efficient energy.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems were installed on the roof of WWF-Viet Nam’s Hanoi and Hue offices. The solar system is expected to generate around 17,085 kWh per year (10,000 kWh in Hanoi office & 7,085 kWh in Hue office) and, together with the office’s energy efficiency commitments, is expected to save about 50% of the office’s energy consumption.

WWF hopes that its efforts in energy efficiency and solar energy in its office can serve as a source of inspiration and experience for cities, corporates and individuals. By installing solar and adopting more energy efficient practices you too can play a role in driving more sustainable, low-carbon development across the country—saving energy, saving money, and helping to save the environment!

© Natrot/ Shutter Stock
Contact details

For more information, please contact us at:
Ms. Pham Cam Nhung
Climate & Energy Programme Coordinator
Email: nhung.phamcam@wwf.org.vn 
No. 6, lane 18 Nguyen Co Thach, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi
Website: www.vietnam.panda.org